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The Rise of the Iconoclast

The Rise of the Iconoclast
Members Public

I won't bore you with the same often repeated (especially for my friends reading this) tropes or complaints about our modern economy and how a perversion of economic incentives has led us down a path of inefficiency/zombification of our economy(along with second third order etc downstream effects) However

David Faolain
David Faolain
Do Not Pass Go

Do Not Pass Go
Members Public

In high-velocity trash economy, there is no time to think or plan. Features are added on a whim with no consideration for long term planning. Work has become a mirror of the economy - fiat, valueless projects with runaway task inflation. In today's FOMC Jerome Powell essentially stated (as an

David Faolain
David Faolain
Economic Crash of 2020 - 2021

Economic Crash of 2020 - 2021
Members Public

Preface: I made a prediction for the NASDAQ and DJI (Dow Jones Industrial Average) on October 4th that we were currently experiencing the peak of the stock market. I then sent a picture of a table I drew by hand (which I won't post because my handwriting is terrible) to

David Faolain
David Faolain

Blockchain Startup Idea: Open Source Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles
Members Public

I figured I would start a series of Startup Ideas as I have way too many to tackle and not enough money (also time) to see them through.[1] My main goal is to advance our advancement so that we can all live on a better[2] planet. Everything written

David Faolain
David Faolain

How to Learn Elixir
Members Public

A language based on the Erlang VM built by one of the creators of Ruby, Jose Valim to deal with the issues encountered in modern web development. Hot swappable live code, concurrent, fault tolerant, distributed are just some advantages offered by Elixir. Phoenix is a web framework built on Elixir

David Faolain
David Faolain

How to Learn Javascript
Members Public

Intro to Programming & Web Dev     I decided to write this because I see there is an increasing interest in learning web development/programming but it is almost impossible to know where to begin. There are tens of thousands of sites which proclaim to be the best way to learn

David Faolain
David Faolain

Why Broken Sleep is a Golden Time for Creativity
Members Public

David Faolain
David Faolain